Of Missouri residents suffer from hearing loss
People in the US could benefit from having hearing aids
Men are twice as likely to have hearing loss than women
Free Hearing Tests
Helping You Hear!
Hearing aids are not a crutch or an embarrasement, at least they should not be. Hearing loss is not something that specifically happens with age, although age is a determining factor. More than 15% of all adults over 18 report some trouble with hearing. There are a lot of reasons for hearing loss and for some, it happens so gradually over many years that they don’t notice the drastic difference between what they can and cannot hear.
One of the reasons we offer FREE hearing tests at Half Price Hearing Aids, is exactly for this reason: you may not know you have significant hearing loss, or just how bad your hearing loss has become. We’re here to help you hear the world again with free testing and evaluation. Visit us today to find out more about how we can help you experience the world of hearing once more.
Come In Today For A Free Hearing Test
Don’t wait to get your hearing tested. Half Price Hearing Aids offers free hearing tests and evaluation in Springfield MO to get you started on the path to better hearing. Want more information about hearing aids, which type of hearing aid is right for you, or helpful tips to better your hearing? Stop by our office today.
Reasons to get your hearing tested in Springfield MO
- Age: While not the sole determining factor of hearing loss, age is by far the most prevalent mark of the hearing impaired. Studies show that the greatest area of hearing loss is between the ages of 60 – 69. Obviously, this does not mean everyone in that age range has hearing deficiency or impairment, but you should be sure to schedule a visit with us to test your hearing if you fall into a high risk demographic and show any signs of hearing loss.
- Family History: Hearing loss can be genetic. If your family has a history of hearing impairment or hearing loss, you may already have signs of hearing loss yourself without even knowing it. Our ears can train themselves to compensate for the absence of certain frequencies or volumes. If you find yourself asking “what did you say?”, or if it is difficult to understand what someone is saying without watching their lips move, don’t wait: schedule a visit with us today for a free hearing evaluation.
- Noticeable Changes: Hearing loss can be identified by observing how our ears respond, or do not respond to changes around us. For example, the “ding” of a microwave, a phone’s ring, an indicernable voice from another room. If you find yourself straining to hear things and make out words, if it is hard to listen to a conversation in a group of people talking, get an appointment, or stop by our office for a free hearing test.
Half Price Hearing Aids is one of the few family owned hearing aid providers left. We care about you, about your hearing, and about ensuring your hearing aids are working so you don’t miss a thing; whether that’s having a telephone conversation with your grandchildren or watching a classic movie with friends. Stop by or contact us today to make sure your hearing aid is functioning properly and programmed correctly for you.