1350 E. Sunshine St. Springfield, MO 65804
(417) 823-0484
On The Hunt For A Hearing Aid?
Finding the right type and style for you depends on your degree of hearing loss, your lifestyle preferences, and cosmetic concerns.
As a starting point, there are two basic types of hearing aids:
- In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids
- Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids
In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids
ITE aids are worn in the ear canal and are usually custom-fit, based on an impression that is taken by your hearing care professional at the time of your hearing aid consultation. These styles are typically available in different skin tones to blend with the outer ear. Some types of ITE hearing aids fit very deeply within the ear canal, while others are closer to the outer ear.
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids
BTE aids sit behind or on top of the outer ear with tubing that routes the sound down into the ear canal via a custom-fit earmold or a dome style that doesn’t block the entire ear canal opening. BTE styles are available in different colors to match hair or skin tone, as well as flashier designs for personalized flair.
For either ITE or BTE, most devices come with standard button batteries that must be replaced anywhere from 3-20 days. However, rechargeable batteries are also available in several styles as well.
Common Hearing Aid Styles
In-the-ear styles
Invisible in the canal (IIC)
Completely in the canal (CIC)
A completely-in-the-canal
(CIC) hearing aid is just barely
IIC and CIC styles are the smallest and most discreet hearing aids available. “Invisible in the canal” IIC styles are as described—virtually invisible. A wearer places them very deeply in the ears, and they must be removed by tugging on a small pull-out string. “Completely in the canal” CIC are very similar, but don’t sit quite so deeply within the ears.
These styles are typically fit for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. Because of their small size, they don’t usually come with any manual controls, like volume wheels or program buttons.
- very discreet
- good sound quality because of how they fit within the ear
- susceptible to ear wax and moisture damage
- small size can be a problem for dexterity
Flow chart legend:
ALDs= assistive listening devices that can augment what hearing aids are capable of.
Advanced Technology= generally the newest aids that cost more, but offer the most technologically advanced features.
ITE= in the ear.
BTE= behind the ear.
CIC= completely in canal.
ITC= in the canal.
RIC= receiver in the canal (same as a RITE).
Do you currently wear hearing aids?
If you’re already wearing hearing aids and want to update them, the best place to start is with the current device style. If you’re happy with that style, you’ll often be able to find the same or a similar style to your outdated device, just equipped with newer and more modern features. It’s possible the type of hearing loss has changed over time, however, so it’s important to have your hearing tested before updating hearing aids. More: Signs you need a new hearing aid.
Do you have problems with dexterity?
If you have dexterity issues (for example, difficulty grasping small items or losing feeling in fingertips), it’s usually better to avoid smaller devices. Low-profile ITE or BTE devices with earmolds might be suitable because they are the largest instruments and easiest to handle. Additionally, the batteries will be the largest—size 13 or 675— which will allow for simpler battery swaps. Some BTE models come with rechargeable batteries, which are easy to use. Lastly, hearing aids that come with automated features should also be considered — so you don’t have to use the tiny buttons to adjust the volume. You may also want to talk to your hearing care practitioner about the possibility of a remote control if the volume or program controls on your hearing aids are difficult to use.
Are your activities limited?
If you are homebound, restricted in daily activities or have cognitive impairments, BTE devices with earmolds might be most suitable. Selecting earmolds made of soft, flexible material can help it fit comfortably in the ear and make it easy for a caretaker to assist. Other items to consider include amplified telephones, special smoke detectors, bed-shaker alarms, doorbells that flash a light or a device to amplify the television
What kind of hearing loss do you have?
If you have hearing loss in both the low and high sounds (as in, you struggle to hear both squeaky and booming, bass-filled sounds), a more occluding fit from CIC or ITC styles will help process sound while still being quite discreet. The occlusion helps block out unwanted background noise.
But, if your hearing loss is primarily in the high frequencies—which most people have, especially if they have age-related hearing loss—the open-fit RITE styles are the most comfortable because they let in the natural low-frequency sounds you are still capable of hearing, while amplifying the high frequencies. These options can also be equipped with advanced features to allow hearing aids to filter noise from speech, adapt to different environments, suppress feedback and wirelessly connect to mobile phones, a personal microphone system or other public assistive listening devices.
Severe-to-profound loss: Power aids
If you have severe or profound hearing loss, ITC hearing aids, low-profile ITE hearing aids or BTE hearing aids with earmolds might be suitable, depending on the degree of loss. They are known as “power” or “super power” hearing aids. These styles of hearing aids provide the most powerful amplification and are least susceptible to moisture damage from the ear canal. Advanced features are important to consider, as they can filter noise from speech, adapt to different environments, suppress feedback and wirelessly connect mobile phones, a personal microphone system or other public assistive listening devices.
Unilateral hearing loss
For people with single-sided deafness, options include a CROS or BiCROS hearing aid and a bone-anchored hearing system.
What about cochlear implants?
For some people, hearing aids won’t sufficiently address their hearing loss, and instead they may have better success with cochlear implants or a bone-anchored hearing system.
Do you need hearing aids?
Hearing aids can be fit for a broad range of hearing losses in more styles and sizes than ever before, in part due to the miniaturization of electronics. More people than ever can wear tiny, nearly invisible models, and even the larger-sized instruments are available in modern, sleek styles. Need to get fit for hearing aids, or think you have hearing loss? Contact us to schedule an appointment!